I am so behind on blogging it's embarassing.. ;-) hee hee So I thought I would play "catch-up". I'm trying something new with blogging..... hope you like it. Not sure if I do yet or not... But at least it gives me an excuse to play with my fun templates I got from my friend and fellow photographer, and VERY talented designer...Melissa Davis! Check out her design site HERE. She has some uber cute things... and you don't need to be a photographer to take advantage of her stuff. ;)
Anyway... here are a few sessions that I did a while back, but never blogged. So... here ya go. A wedding, a senior, and a couple families.
More of these "update" posts are coming.... (I'm in a blogging mood tonight, what can I say).
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Halloween Mini Session!! : Howell Michigan Photographer
Announcing HALLOWEEN MINI SESSIONS! This year I have decided to offer mini sessions for kids in costume! We've all been there.... trying to get a good shot of our wee ones in their adorable costumes on October 31st. If your kids are like mine, their minds are on one thing that night: CANDY!.. and not getting their photo taken. Often the "costume shot" on Halloween night is less than stellar.
So... why not get that adorable shot BEFORE the big night?? Say... at a *creepy cemetery*... or an *enchanted forest*?? For one day only WMP will be offering Halloween Mini sessions at the Howell City Park and Cemetery. The price for your session is $25 and includes the 15-20 min session AND a CD with the edited images for you to keep! Best of all.... there is NO additional charge for extra kids (all children in session must be siblings).
Sessions will book every 30 mins and shooting starts at 9am and will run until 2pm! Email, or call me today to book your time slot!!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Baby E : Bishop, California Photographer
First off: I MUST give HUGE Thank-You's to my California clients who have been so patient in waiting for me to finish their sessions. ;-) Like the momma of this little girl. We did her 3 month pics back in August, like 4 days before we moved. I am just finishing up her session, and wanted to offer the momma a sneak peek.
I did little E's newborn pics, and she was sooo teeny tiny then! It was hard to believe how much she'd changed in just 3 short months. A total doll baby! She even fell asleep mid shoot. :) Love it!
Anywho... here are just a few from her session. EnJoY!!
I did little E's newborn pics, and she was sooo teeny tiny then! It was hard to believe how much she'd changed in just 3 short months. A total doll baby! She even fell asleep mid shoot. :) Love it!
Anywho... here are just a few from her session. EnJoY!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
A few previews.. : california photographer, howell michigan photographer
I have been so busy latley... I have a ton of sneak peeks to post... but they will have to wait a few more days.. ;-)
But this is a teensy peek at what I've been up to as of late....
But this is a teensy peek at what I've been up to as of late....
How about an adorable new family?? ... yes please!
And a stunning senior?? This girl rocked the camera... can't wait to share her session!
She was just too cute!! Can you even handle the sass??! And this mommy and daddy have another bundle of pink on the way!! I bet she'll be as cute as big sister!
And yet another oh-so-cute family!! The curls on these kids were to die for!!!!!
Another sleeping baby?! I love my job!! This little trooper has been through a lot in her short 2.5 months on this earth. ;-)
Um.. if my kids were all as perfect as this little man was.... I'd have 50 of them!! For realz.... this mom and dad have it made with this cutie pie!
Full sneak peeks to come! Along with MORE sneak peeks of upcoming sessions the next couple of weeks!
Howell, MI, USA
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The saga that is "pricing" :Southeast Michigan Photographer
As photographers.... one of the things we are constantly tweaking are our prices. Back when I first started it was fairly cut and dry: there was a session fee, that covered shooting time and editing. And then there were print prices. You bought individual prints from the photographer who would get them from a professional lab to ensure top quality. Digital images were a very, very new thing. Selling digital images was practically unheard of!
But.. as with many industries... things change. And with the dawn of digital.. photography has changed faster than you can click the shutter button. With more and more new photographers out there offering "everything".. it's been harder and harder for the "oldies" to justify to new clients why they *don't* offer "everything for one low price".
Now, I can sit here and type out a big long post about how there is a difference between "professionals" and "newbies" and how you pay for "quality" when you come to me and blah blah blah.... but honestly... I've been doing that for so long and I feel like I am fighting a losing battle.
The bottom line is: The industry is changing, and clients WANT the digital images. They want ALL the digital images. With social networking sites and blogs dominating our daily lives people want to be able to share their photos on these places. They can't do that with prints. And as a photographer I'd much rather my client have the quality web-images to share rather than scanning in a print and posting a crappy copy for the whole world to see.
For the past few years I have worked and re-worked my prices. I have done the "session fee and then separate prices for prints" thing, I have tried the "package deals: pay one price and get your session and $XX.xx in print credit" thing, and I have tried the "one price for all edited images on CD" thing. And after almost 6 years in business..... the most popular pricing option has been...."One Price For the CD" option. (shocker, right? haha). So..... after much thought, internal debate and discussion.... I have decided to scrap the "session fee with print credit" pricing that I was going with and opt instead for the "One Price Gets It All" option.
I know that many of my fellow photogers are shaking their heads, thinking I'm nuts. I also know that I am probably short changing myself in the long run, and that I am probably not going to be charging near what I am worth, or that I will be overworking myself while being underpaid at the same time. BUT... I also know that this option will give me more time with my family, as well as allow more people the option in obtaining professional photos at a price they can afford.
Michigan's economy is much different than California, and I am sympathetic to that. I knew my pricing structure would have to change when we got here. And I am perfectly fine with that.. And while I am still offering the "$150 session with CD" deal through the month of September, on October 1st, the price will go up to $250. But this will still include the session and CD.
I hope that you will all understand the reason for my price increase. And appreciate that it is still an amazing deal. I want to make it affordable to my clients, but I still do need to make it worth my time. There is much more to a session than just the 1-2 hours I spend shooting. There are hours of editing and preparing the online slide shows, and sneak peeks and facebooking images.
I still have spots available for the month of Sept, and am also now booking for October (the fall colors are sooooo awesome here!! I cannot wait!!). Please note that I will only be booking a max of 3 sessions per week so spots will fill up fast. Especially as the gorgeous colors begin to appear. So, be sure to book as soon as you have a date in mind!
For a full description of my prices please check out my website!
But.. as with many industries... things change. And with the dawn of digital.. photography has changed faster than you can click the shutter button. With more and more new photographers out there offering "everything".. it's been harder and harder for the "oldies" to justify to new clients why they *don't* offer "everything for one low price".
Now, I can sit here and type out a big long post about how there is a difference between "professionals" and "newbies" and how you pay for "quality" when you come to me and blah blah blah.... but honestly... I've been doing that for so long and I feel like I am fighting a losing battle.
The bottom line is: The industry is changing, and clients WANT the digital images. They want ALL the digital images. With social networking sites and blogs dominating our daily lives people want to be able to share their photos on these places. They can't do that with prints. And as a photographer I'd much rather my client have the quality web-images to share rather than scanning in a print and posting a crappy copy for the whole world to see.
For the past few years I have worked and re-worked my prices. I have done the "session fee and then separate prices for prints" thing, I have tried the "package deals: pay one price and get your session and $XX.xx in print credit" thing, and I have tried the "one price for all edited images on CD" thing. And after almost 6 years in business..... the most popular pricing option has been...."One Price For the CD" option. (shocker, right? haha). So..... after much thought, internal debate and discussion.... I have decided to scrap the "session fee with print credit" pricing that I was going with and opt instead for the "One Price Gets It All" option.
I know that many of my fellow photogers are shaking their heads, thinking I'm nuts. I also know that I am probably short changing myself in the long run, and that I am probably not going to be charging near what I am worth, or that I will be overworking myself while being underpaid at the same time. BUT... I also know that this option will give me more time with my family, as well as allow more people the option in obtaining professional photos at a price they can afford.
Michigan's economy is much different than California, and I am sympathetic to that. I knew my pricing structure would have to change when we got here. And I am perfectly fine with that.. And while I am still offering the "$150 session with CD" deal through the month of September, on October 1st, the price will go up to $250. But this will still include the session and CD.
I hope that you will all understand the reason for my price increase. And appreciate that it is still an amazing deal. I want to make it affordable to my clients, but I still do need to make it worth my time. There is much more to a session than just the 1-2 hours I spend shooting. There are hours of editing and preparing the online slide shows, and sneak peeks and facebooking images.
I still have spots available for the month of Sept, and am also now booking for October (the fall colors are sooooo awesome here!! I cannot wait!!). Please note that I will only be booking a max of 3 sessions per week so spots will fill up fast. Especially as the gorgeous colors begin to appear. So, be sure to book as soon as you have a date in mind!
For a full description of my prices please check out my website!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Cyndee& Jake : Wedded Bliss : Bishop, Calfornia Photographer
I had the privilage of photographing my sister-in-laws wedding last Saturday. It was sooo fun! And just soo pretty! Still working on editing..... with the move (we arrived safely Thursday evening.. ) and all the last minute sessions I had before we left, and the sessions I had as soon as we got here.... I have soooooooooooo much work to do. ;-) I think I will be a slave to the computer the next few weeks. haha
Anyway... here are just a few!! EnJoY!! (more to come in the next week)
PS~ the bottom photo... that is my hubby's WHOLE immeditate family! (minus one niece). He is one of EIGHT kids, and all but two are married, and all the marrieds have kids! haha Ya... there are a lot f them. I'm the one in front.. in the dark purple dress. It was actually easier than I thought to do the family photo with the self timer. I was shocked!!
Anyway... here are just a few!! EnJoY!! (more to come in the next week)
PS~ the bottom photo... that is my hubby's WHOLE immeditate family! (minus one niece). He is one of EIGHT kids, and all but two are married, and all the marrieds have kids! haha Ya... there are a lot f them. I'm the one in front.. in the dark purple dress. It was actually easier than I thought to do the family photo with the self timer. I was shocked!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Back to School Mini Sessions : Southeast Michigan Photographer
WMP is now booking BACK TO SCHOOL MINI SESSIONS for the month of September! Receive a 30 min session, editing of 10-15 images, a private, online image gallery, and a CD with 5 images of your choice. (CD images come with limited copyright release), all for only $100 per child!
Outdoor and studio sessions available. Call or email now to book your session!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Southeast Michigan Casting Call!!
It's been eons since I've posted. Sorry.... with trying to get ready to move, and the laptop crashing.... it's been a crazy few weeks.
BUT.. I am back... with exciting news!! WMP is having it's first ever CASTING CALL!!! That's right.. I am looking for some models to showcase on my website, and YOU could be just who I'm searching for!
I'm looking for maternity models, between 35 and 38 weeks, and newborns, under two weeks old. Sessions will take place during the month of October (specific dates to be determined), and models must either live in, or be willing to travel to, the Livingston Co. area. I will be taking 3 maternity models and 3 newborn models. If you are pregnant, and will be between 35 and 38 weeks in October, OR if you are having a baby that will be under two weeks of age in the month of October, and you are interested in the casting call please leave a comment here with your name and email address. You will be sent a questionarie to fill out and send back to me. Along with the questionarie you will need to submit a photo of yourself (even if you want a newborn session.. I still need a photo of you :).
I will be taking submissions from now through the end of August, and the winners will be announced mid Sept! :)
NOW.... you are probably asking yourself: WHAT does a "casting call session" include?? Well, here's your answer:
A Casting Call Session is your chance to get a full session from WMP at a special low rate, along with free and discounted prints. If picked you will receive a full session for only $100, five web-sized images on CD, one 8x10, two 5x7's, and 15% off any additional prints/digital images (does not apply to cards/announcements). That's a savings of over $225!
Now, there is one catch to all of this. The whole point in a casting call is to get images to use on my website, blog, and in advertising. So.... if you are picked the only thing I require you to do is to sign the model release allowing me to use your images for advertising purposes. Simple, right?! I thought so. ;)
Okay.... so... are you interested?? Know someone that might be?? Leave a comment here with your name and email address and I will send you the questionaire!!
BUT.. I am back... with exciting news!! WMP is having it's first ever CASTING CALL!!! That's right.. I am looking for some models to showcase on my website, and YOU could be just who I'm searching for!
I'm looking for maternity models, between 35 and 38 weeks, and newborns, under two weeks old. Sessions will take place during the month of October (specific dates to be determined), and models must either live in, or be willing to travel to, the Livingston Co. area. I will be taking 3 maternity models and 3 newborn models. If you are pregnant, and will be between 35 and 38 weeks in October, OR if you are having a baby that will be under two weeks of age in the month of October, and you are interested in the casting call please leave a comment here with your name and email address. You will be sent a questionarie to fill out and send back to me. Along with the questionarie you will need to submit a photo of yourself (even if you want a newborn session.. I still need a photo of you :).
I will be taking submissions from now through the end of August, and the winners will be announced mid Sept! :)
NOW.... you are probably asking yourself: WHAT does a "casting call session" include?? Well, here's your answer:
A Casting Call Session is your chance to get a full session from WMP at a special low rate, along with free and discounted prints. If picked you will receive a full session for only $100, five web-sized images on CD, one 8x10, two 5x7's, and 15% off any additional prints/digital images (does not apply to cards/announcements). That's a savings of over $225!
Now, there is one catch to all of this. The whole point in a casting call is to get images to use on my website, blog, and in advertising. So.... if you are picked the only thing I require you to do is to sign the model release allowing me to use your images for advertising purposes. Simple, right?! I thought so. ;)
Okay.... so... are you interested?? Know someone that might be?? Leave a comment here with your name and email address and I will send you the questionaire!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
WMP is MOVING!!!!!! : southeast michigan photographer
OMG!!! I really cannot even begin to tell you all how excied I am about this!! This move has been something we have been trying to pull off for quite awhile, but the timing was never quite right. Until now.... ;-)
On August 18th the Crew will be packing up and heading east, to Michigan [Howell to be exact]. While I am sad to leave my California clients... I am really excited to be able to serve my Michigan clients on a more regular basis. Now.. if you read this blog at all.. you know that I was offering a special for the month of July for all my Cali friends. With the news of my move... I have decided to EXTEND that special through August 10th! That means you can get a FULL session AND a CD with ALL the edited images from your session for ONLY $250! Consider it my "going away gift" to all of you!
I also wanted to thank you all for making our 3 years in California some of the best my business has ever seen. I have loved being able to capture all those special moments over the years for all of you, my amazing clients! I have met some wonderful people during our time here... and please know that I will miss you all. <3
NOW.... for all my Michigan clients: You may be asking .."What about your special $150 deal you do when you visit?? Will we still get that deal?? Does this mean you have MORE session dates during August?? Will your prices go up?"
Here are you answers:
What about your special $150 deal you offer when you visit?? Will we still get that price?
A: Yes and no. I value my Michigan clients, and started the "$150 deal" to help generate business when I visited, while also making turnaround time the shortest possbile for all of you. That being said.... if you already booked for this August the $150 price will STILL be honored. AND.... in celebration of our move I will be EXTENDING this great deal through the entire month of September! So if you wanted to book... but haven't yet...you can STILL take advantage of this special for another month.
Does this mean you have MORE session dates available for August? and beyond?
A: YES!! Isn't that great!! I have session dates from August through the end of the year!! And can I just tell you how FIPPIN' EXCITED I am to be able to do real FALL COLOR photos again??!! Oh how I have missed true fall colors.... we only ever get yellow in Cali. ;-) BUT.. October tends to be a BUSY month. Sessions book up fast for family pis for Holiday cards and such... and the deadline for Holiday cards is typically the end of Nov. SO... if you are thinking of getting some famiy pics for cards this year... BOOK NOW!! I really cannot stress this enough. ;-)
Will your prices go up?
A: In short.. yes. BUT.. let me tell you why: Professional photography is an ART. It's much more than just "point and click". There are many, many.. many.. hours of editing and proofing and putting up slideshows and getting orders ready, that all goes on "behind the scenes". As I said before... the $150 deal was to allow as many people who wanted to, to take adcantage of my services when I vitisted. I wanted to expose myself to as many cients as I could. I also wanted to make things as EASY as possibe for everyone involoved. Hence the "one fee for everything" deal. It's MUCH easier to just do a CD with everything for my clients in Michigan, rather than do a sideshow, ordering session, then a print order, then ship prints from Cali to Mich.
So, while the $150 deal is availabe through Sept 30th, on October 1st the price will change. I'm not sure to what yet. I have a lot to consider when figuring out my pricing structure for Michigan. Where I am now is different, economincally, than Michigan, and I will be taking that into consideration.
Untill then... take adavantage of the $150 deal!!! It's a GREATway to get some FAB pics at a low price!
So... I hope I answered all your questions. If not.. let me know! Send me an email.. leave a comment on this blog.... call me. I am hopful that this move will bring with it great things for WMP. I already have some wonderful ideas for this fall... so keep watching this blog.... as I will be posting some casting calls in the coming weeks for this fall. ;) Are you excited yet?? I am.
Monday, June 7, 2010
MASSIVE JULY SPECIAL!! : bishop, california photographer, mammoth lakes, california photographer
OMGosh this is sooo HUGE!!! I'm doing a super massive special for the month of July!
For the ENTIRE month of July I am offering FULL SESSIONS for upto 5 people for ONLY $250! PLUS.... a CD with ALL the edited images from your session!
This is so beyond anything I have every offered so I hope you will all take advantge of it! Got more than 5 people?? No problem. Each additional person is only $10!
These are going to book up fast so please email me asap if you would like to schedule a session. :) This promo ends July 31st, and August is already booked up so this is your ONLY chance to get photos this summer!
For the ENTIRE month of July I am offering FULL SESSIONS for upto 5 people for ONLY $250! PLUS.... a CD with ALL the edited images from your session!
This is so beyond anything I have every offered so I hope you will all take advantge of it! Got more than 5 people?? No problem. Each additional person is only $10!
These are going to book up fast so please email me asap if you would like to schedule a session. :) This promo ends July 31st, and August is already booked up so this is your ONLY chance to get photos this summer!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
a *new* family: bishop, california photographer
Anyhow.... this is my sister-in-law, her 2 super cute kiddos, her soon to be hubby and his 2 super cute kiddos. I'm photographing their wedding in August as well. Don't ask me how she ropped me into that one. I don't do weddings! ;-) She's pretty good with the bribes... I'll leave it at that.
I love these little munchkins.... they are so fun to photograph. I mean.. just look at those eyes... *drool*
OH... I'm also proofing a SUPER ADORBS newborn session right now... (sneak peek coming soon)... so stay tuned!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
michigan dates and session prices: southeast michigan photographer
I had a few people on my fan page ask me about sessions when I come to Michigan this summer. Well.. I'm happy to say that I have finally nailed down my dates AND figured out the special I will be offering this year!
So.. here it is!! If you would like to book please email me or call me. (you can use the "contact page" on my website to email me). You may have noticed that this year I am not offereing "mini sessions".. just "full sessions"... BUT... you may also notice that I lowered the price of the "full sessions" this year. It's a win-win.. ;-)
cake smash,
Howell, MI, USA
Monday, May 17, 2010
what I've been doing : bishop, california photographer
just a sneak peek of what I've been working on today..... a princess and a frog...... and... a romance....
more to come....
Friday, April 30, 2010
red heads, and blonds, are so much fun : ridgecrest california photographer
This totally cute family drove over 2 hours to meet up with me! How cool is that?! Here is a little sneak peak for them.
Thanks again guys! It really was sooo fun. :)
Thanks again guys! It really was sooo fun. :)
Ridgecrest, CA, USA
: fashion fridays :
I know it's almost Saturday.... but I wanted to get this up before I forgot!! LOL
All found at OLD NAVY! (who is having a 30% off everything in the store sale this weekend).
Happy Weekend everyone!
All found at OLD NAVY! (who is having a 30% off everything in the store sale this weekend).
Happy Weekend everyone!
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About Me

- Whitney
- michigan, United States
- 30(something) year old mama of 4.... happy to be home in the Mitten state after almost a decade on the west coast...photoger.... and professional in all things awesome. ;)